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夏日傍晚,一下火车,就会看到悦大少在车站等着接我回家。 远远得先跟他飞个小吻, 进了车, 他通常拖着腔问: “妈妈, 今天怎么样?” 我会捏捏他的脸蛋, 问问他今天都做了什么。
夏天的日子, 慵懒缓慢,温暖又凉爽,这样的日子, 什么都不做最好,每一天就想着虚度此生算了,什么工作学习未来的,通通都想抛在脑后。所以,我与悦大少这一路,清风如水, 他开着音乐哼着歌,我看看路边的花, 说说笑笑。
前些日,他放了一首歌,温暖舒缓,是我喜欢的调调。“You are the one girl,And you know that it's true”, 听了第一句,我说,好歌。 听到中间,“ I'll be taking my time, spending my life, Falling deeper in love with you ”我问他可有MP3给妈妈一份。悦大少说, 妈妈, 你知道这个歌手的,他这整盘CD就没有我不喜欢的, 你都应该听听。
这个夏天,悦大少开始了他的初恋。女孩健康甜美, 他二人成双成队,一起看电影,一起吃冰淇淋, 有一日他说:“我们已经三天没见了。“ 我说: ”哎呀, 真是如隔三秋啊。“ 昨日, 他说要领女友去他从小吃到大的老四川,“这是我生活很重要的一部分啊。让她体验一下, 吃了饭, 我们再看场电影,you know, 妈妈,浪漫的约会 。”他笑得很皮, 我逗他,“去老四川,您得自带蜡烛啊,麻辣水煮鱼烛光晚餐。”
夏末, 绣球花盛开着,玫瑰花一波又一波, 红头发艾德唱道: “我会慢慢得, 用我一生, 越来越深得爱着你。。。”
How Would You Feel (Paean) - Ed Sheeran
你心有何感 (赞歌)- Ed Sheeran
You are the one girl, 你就是我命中注定的女孩
And you know that it's true 而你也知道这是真的
I'm feeling younger 我会倍感年轻
Every time that I'm alone with you 当每次与你独处
We were sitting in a parked car 躲在车里
Stealing kisses in the front yard 我们在前院偷吻
We got questions we should not ask but 涌起了一些不该说出口的问号,但
How would you feel, if I told you I loved you? 如果我告诉你我爱你,你心有何感?
It's just something that I want to do就是我的愿望
I'll be taking my time, spending my life 我会慢慢得, 用我一生
Falling deeper in love with you 越来越深得爱着你
So tell me that you love me too 所以 告诉我你也爱我
In the summer, as the lilacs bloom夏日,紫丁香盛开
Love flows deeper than the river 爱意深浓,深过河流
Every moment that I spend with you 在与你共度的每一刻
We were sat upon our best friend's roof 坐在好友的屋顶
I had both of my arms round you 我双臂环拥着你
Watching the sunrise replace the moon 一起共看月落日升
How would you feel, if I told you I loved you? 如果我告诉你我爱你,你心有何感?
It's just something that I want to do这就是我的愿望
I'll be taking my time, spending my life 我会慢慢得, 用我一生
Falling deeper in love with you 越来越深得爱着你
So tell me that you love me too 所以 告诉我你也爱我
Tell me that you love me too